Categories: NewsTrans Equality

Why YOU Should Support President Barack Obama’s Trans Bathroom Equality Because Being Equal Means Being Human

God Is Love. ..God Is Fair. ..We Are Gods Children. ..

President Barack Obama and the Obama Administration recently issued guidance on handling trans-students using public restrooms. I don’t often comment on hot button issues like this before I’ve done major research, sat with it for a week, prayed and’ve come to a solid conclusion, but I was recently pissed off beyond belief after reading a comment from someone whom I now refer to as John Doe, on Facebook, who before the post, held a placement in my “Friends-List”. CNN Reports;

“…A joint letter from the Departments of Education and Justice went to schools Friday with guidelines to ensure that ‘transgender students enjoy a supportive and nondiscriminatory school environment,’ the Obama administration said Thursday. The announcement comes amid heated debate over transgender rights in schools and public life, which includes a legal standoff between the administration and North Carolina over its controversial House Bill 2. The guidance goes beyond the bathroom issue, touching upon privacy rights, education records and sex-segregated athletics, all but guaranteeing transgender students the right to identify in school as they choose….”
I agree with President Barack Obama and the Administration. It’s simply common sense! Not everyone agrees, but just because you do not agree does not mean it grants you the right to be disrespectful. When John Doe took to Facebook to disrespect a Human being he does not know, and also disrespect other Human Beings he’s never met, not only did I leave a comment sharing my disdain, but I immediately removed him from my social media accounts. In removing him I noticed he’d shared this image, an older white man wearing heels, on more then one platform spewing his hate. The latter fueled me to write this post to clarify what it means to be Human and how we operate as Humans. As a Humanitarian it’s important to me that I speak up and encourage you to speak up when another Human is being done wrong. John Doe’s social ad reads;

Keeping the integrity of those who left comments and that of John Doe I cropped and blurred the image, but I left the words in focus so you can read what sparked my rage. Ignorance, disrespect, hatred, those are just some of the words that came to mind when I read John Doe’s “He’s gonna be in the bathroom with your daughter…yay Obama” message. His social ad, which is what you’re doing when you post and share things, you’re advertising it, landed on Facebook and Instagram which means he really wanted his “message” seen, his hatred, seen. Understanding Humans, why don’t we explore why I believe advertising messages like this, is diabolical for Human nature and why Trans people and many of the LGBTQ community should have equal rights and fairness.

The Facts:

Posting several pictures in reference to Trans Bathroom Equality displaying Men in heels, Men touching little girls, and Trans people in the form of a meme does not righteously identify the nature of Trans people, it does the opposite. What you’re doing when you advertise the latter is; you’re sending improper messages that if you’re Trans you’re a rapist, you’re sick, you’re a pervert and enjoy little girls and boys in the bathrooms and there’s something wrong with you. How sick could you be to believe this about Human beings you’ve never met before? Generalizing an entire group of people based on your own selfish definition, and hatred for those different than you does not make what you think, the truth;

Fact: Rapist can be Women, Men, Trans, Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual, Afrikan, Latino, Asian, White…Any one Can!

Fact: Trans people are NOT rapist, only individuals who’ve raped another Human being can be classified as Rapist.
Fact: Rapist, even before the Trans Bathroom Equality was implemented, prayed on little girls and boys in bathrooms.
Fact: Rapist pretending to be the opposite sex to rape children or to display pervert ways in bathroom stalls and public places both men, and women have been going on for ages before today.
Fact: There are MORE reported cases of RAPE from men who identify and look like Men than there are of Trans, or Men in drag pretending.
Fact: A man in heels does not identify a Trans Human Being

If the honest truth is that you’re scared a man is going to pretend, in drag, as a woman to touch your daughter in the bathroom due to this Trans Bathroom Equality mission, then you are stupid! I hate using that word, but what else do you call it?! Rapist, Men and Women, who are mentally ill, twisted, or sick individuals who’s intentions are to use bathrooms as a way to capture, find, and explore their sexual nature will continue to be that way whether this bill get’s nationally passed or not. If you weren’t worried about it before, which you should’ve been, then don’t worry about it now! I BET YOU KNOW MORE CASES OF “STRAIGHT” MEN RAPING WOMEN THEN YOU DO OF TRANS PEOPLE FOUND IN PUBLIC BATHROOMS TOUCHING THEMSELVES WATCHING LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS…

Being Equal Means Being Human…As Long As You’re Human, You’re Equal! – Tahir C. Register
Trans people are just people and trans children in schools deserve the right to choose the bathroom they identify with. If making sure students don’t do sexual things like; peeping or touching in bathrooms is your concern, then a bathroom monitor should’ve been in place way before this Trans idea came along. Most of the exploration I did as a child happened in the bathrooms before I even knew what a Trans person was! So why now? Why the uproar now?! Why the protest now? My guess? It’s because Humans for years have shown through actions that we can HATE what we do not understand and can HATE what is NOT like us. It’s sad! After all of these years of knowledge, growth and technology, we still cannot accept each and every last person for who they are.

Fact: Predators who pray on children and women and men will continue their ways no matter what happens with Trans Equality

Fact: The Police exist to serve and protect those who are in danger — Trans Bathroom Equality won’t change that
Fact: Most Trans people need protection from Non-LGBTQ individuals because they are different and placing a Trans Woman in a mans bathroom to fit your selfish ways have been reported and will most likely lead to an altercation, degradation, and worse.
Fact: There are more reported cases of Trans abuse in public then there are cases of trans individuals sexually assaulting anyone in public bathrooms
Fact: Trans people are not perverts, rapist, voyeurs, mentally ill, sick, disgusting, unworthy Humans. Only individuals based on actions and mental state can be classified as such, not group of people.

So, if you’ve gotten this far, explain to me one thing. ..why is this a bad thing again!?

–  Thanks For Reading #SOULdiers

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