Total Solar Eclipse August 21th 2017: What States Will See It, Where To Watch And More

Unless you’ve been living in the underworld, you know that August 21st 2017 marks the day of the total solar eclipse! In 1991 this total solar eclipse was seen only from Hawaii, and in 1979 the contiguous United States saw the eclipse as we will view it today.

The contiguous United States are the following states: Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South CarolinaWhat this means is, if you live in these states, you will be able to see the total solar eclipse. If you do not, you will only be able to see a partial eclipse, but its still cool right?

Where To Watch

Because of the damage the solar eclipse can have on the eyes retina’s (which have no pain receptors so you wouldn’t feel the damage happening) if you’re going to walk outside and look at the eclipse, find proper glasses. Reports of fake glasses have been breaking the internet all week, so be careful.

If you wish to risk it, (like me) don’t stare into the eclipse for the entire 1-2mins it will be visible, simply peek and keep it moving. Or, if you’re not a risk taker (which you shouldn’t be) simply watch live: WATCH THE SOLAR ECLIPSE LIVE 12pm est.

Salem, Oregon 09:05 am PDT 10:18 am PDT
Idaho Falls, Idaho 10:15 am MDT 11:33 am MDT
Casper, Wyoming 10:22 am MDT 11:43 am MDT
Lincoln, Nebraska 11:37 am CDT 1:03 pm CDT
Sabetha, Kansas 11:38 am CDT 1:05 pm CDT
Jefferson City, Missouri 11:46 am CDT 1:14 pm CDT
Carbondale, Illinois 11:52 am CDT 1:21 pm CDT
Hopkinsville, Kentucky 11:56 am CDT 1:25 pm CDT
Nashville, Tennessee 11:58 am CDT 1:28 pm CDT
Talulah Falls, Georgia 1:07 am EDT 2:37 pm EDT
Colombia, South Carolina 1:13 pm EDT 2:43 pm EDT
Charleston, South Carolina 1:16 pm EDT 2:47 pm EDT

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