
Terry Crews Molested By Hollywood Exec Shares His PTSD Around Harvey Weinstein Case

Actor Terry Crews Molested by a male Hollywood executive is a headline I thought i’d never see. What’s even more interesting is that, he never spoke about it, didn’t bring charges against him, and waited a year during the Harvey Weinstein case to expose his PTSD and his sexual harassment. When Terry Crews came out, so did actor James Van Der Beek. Slowly, but surely Hollywood’s best keep secret is being spilled.

“This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME”

Women are often molested and mistreated by men and rarely say anything because of fear, because they feel they can’t protect themselves, but Terry Crews a physically strong man also had difficulty. This conversation is super important because males often get molested and seldom speak due to feeling less than a man, fear. With Terry Crews at the front line of this conversation appearing to be a man we all believe would be strong and bold enough to protect himself, kept quiet for a year!

Being molested is not okay, no matter what industry you’re in, and we must speak up and out about it. For those of you male or female who’ve been sexually assaulted or molested please visit RAINN for a private hotline for assistance, tell someone, never keep it in. Terry Crews Molested is a headline that’s going to change the way we handle harassment.

Terry Crews Molested And Speaking OUT:

“This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME. My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk. I was going to kick his ass right then— but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. “240 lbs. Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho” would be the headline the next day. Only I probably wouldn’t have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left. That night and the next day I talked to everyone I knew that worked with him about what happened. He called me the next day with an apology but never really explained why he did what he did. 

I decided not 2 take it further becuz I didn’t want 2b ostracized— par 4 the course when the predator has power n influence. I let it go. And I understand why many women who this happens to let it go. Who’s going 2 believe you? ( few) What r the repercussions?(many) Do u want 2 work again? (Yes) R you prepared 2b ostracized?(No) I love what I do. But it’s a shame and the height of disappointment when someone tries to takes advantage of that. He knows who he is. But sumtimes Uhav2 wait & compare notes w/ others who’ve been victimized in order 2gain a position of strength. I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator. Hollywood is not the only business we’re this happens, and to the casualties of this behavior— you are not alone.”

Visit His Twitter Page For The Original Tweets.

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