Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith On Tiffany Haddish Golden Globe Snub & It’s Importance

Jada Pinkett Smith took to twitter December 11th with an unfiltered incomplete tweet about comedian and actress, Tiffany Haddish’s Golden Globe snub. The 2018 Golden Globe nominations were released December 11th, and Tiffany was not nominated for any category, neither was the hit film “Girls Trip” or it’s cast, even though critics dubbed her the breakout star of the year for her role in Girls Trip. Jada being a veteran, took to Twitter to give a bit of insight, but not fully…at least not yet. It appears Jada heard our asks and finished her statement [read below].

Known for being outspoken when wrongs are done in Hollywood, Jada is the kind of teacher of the game that we need. Too often do people of colour stay quiet when something not quite right happens to them in Hollywood, but not Jada. It’s important for Jada to finish her incomplete statement so that young actors and actresses coming up can learn, but so that the industry can be held accountable!

As seen above Jada’s tweet; “I have so much to say on why was not nominated for a Globe… but I won’t” has many wondering what it could be. Could it be a racially motivated tweet like her amazing video in 2016 asking people of colour to stand up [see below], or something else?

Either way Jada needs to finish her statement because without that knowledge or seeing someone in Hollywood, especially a person of colour, speak out without fear of being “Black balled”, we will continue a cycle of acceptable oppression, that shows up in all industries. The cast and crew of Girls Trip did a phenomenal job, made history, and received no recognition for it from the leaders of the Academy? Interesting…

Yes, this is just a film nomination, not cancer, war, life or death, but if someone stole a penny that was yours no matter the value, it’s your penny and you deserve to have it. Do we continue to ignore grievances towards us? Or, do we speak out, up and make change?

Jada Pinkett’s Full Statement:

“I’m not upset about or not getting a nom… I’m discouraged about the fact that the Hollywood Foreign Press/ wouldn’t even WATCH the movie. Girls Trip was one of the most successful films this summer & Tiff was hands down the funniest person on screen in 2017 and we couldn’t get eyes on the film or a press conference. How could a nom happen & how much more critical acclaim must a movie have to simply get a screening? But yet… Tiff has been asked to present at their ceremony. This isn’t about shaming, this is about the need for discussion of an antiquated system. And I dare not invalidate all the many journalist and people from all walks of life who have supported this movie by defining the issue as simply… racism. Hollywood has systems in place that must learn to expand its concepts of race, gender equality and inclusion in regard to its perceptions of art across the board. The fact that the brilliance of went unnoticed and the fact that one of the most prolific films of the year, , is considered a comedy… illuminates the depths of the sunken place… for real. Moments like this occur so that we have an opportunity to discuss, recreate and regenerate old paradigms. It’s all about growth. Love.”

Additional Statements Regarding Word Structure/Choice:

Jada Pinkett Oscar 2016 Insight:

© 2017 Tahir Register
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