Kanye West Never Said Slavery Was A Choice | His Intent Explained

Kanye West never said slavery was a choice, but he did say; “you hear about slavery for 400 years, for 400 years?! That sounds like a choice, like you were there for 400 years and its all of ya’ll its like we’re mentally imprisoned…”

Government Choices That Actually Effect Your Life

If the video and audio of Kanye’s stream of thoughts are clear, and audible, ask yourself, why are major outlets creating a narrative of lies with headlines that read; “Kanye West Says Slavery Was A Choice”, when he clearly did not say that? Human beings communicate through intent, this ideology is not new, the word bitch can be said and received in various ways based on the intent, does Kanye’s intent matter? Yes.

Kanye West’s clear intent during his stream of thoughts were about mental enslavement, but the media is choosing to paint a picture of Kanye as a; “crazy, deranged, narcissist that believes slavery was a choice”. Below are major outlets with false headlines:

The Power Of Choice:

Human beings make millions of choices every single day. Some choices are as simple as choosing to open your eyes, get out of bed, walk, scratch, piss, et cetera, and some are as major as choosing to fire someone that works for you, or like in the movie “Set It Off” to press the button to alarm the police of a robbery when there’s a gun to your head. Even though the character in “Set It Off” did not, out of sheer fear, press the button to alarm the police, she in fact, made a choice.

Choices are powerful and we all make choices even when we have a gun to our head, even when our lives are threatened, even when we are deep in fear or trying to protect a loved one, our choice is our own doing.

Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage” – Killmonger (A Clear Example Of Choice)

Even though major outlets are creating click bait (false headlines), the truth is still available to those intelligent enough to only want what’s real. Kanye never claimed slavery was a choice, and his intent wasn’t to spark ignorant outrage, his intent was to validate his later point by setting up an example of mental entrapment, which in a nutshell is; “for us to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means that we were mentally enslaved”. – Kanye,.

Because it was a stream of thoughts vs a focused pre-thought and well articulated execution, I think if Kanye would’ve added; [for many of us] “to have stayed in that position even though the numbers were on our side means we were mentally enslaved”, which would’ve been an accurate statement, one that many scholars, musicians, freedom fighters, and civil leaders agree with.

In the late 1930’s Marcus Garvey said something similar to what Kanye said, which Bob Marley, over 40 years later, immortalized in “Redemption Song”; “we are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, for though others may free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is our only ruler; sovereign”. So why is Kanye being ostracized? Are we that washed that we can’t see what’s being done here?

What Is GroupThink?

Groupthink is a way of existing that strongly discourages, through isolation, fear, and often murder, anyone within the group to think independently of the group. In other words, do as the majority or be killed, or as Kanye put’s it; “Kanye vs the media is modern day Willie Linch theory.”

Because of Kanye’s recent acknowledgement of his liking of trump, their’s been a “hate train” against Kanye within many communities, particularly the Afrikan American community. Many are hurt by Kanye’s wearing a MAGA hat, and saying trump is his “homeboy”, and because of this national consensus amongst many, his recent TMZ stream caused a clear sign of Groupthink amongst social media, news outlets, and public figures to, without clarification, post and rally around the lie that is; “Kanye West Said Slavery Was A Choice”.

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Kanye took to twitter to clarify his thoughts; “to make myself clear. Of course I know that slaves did not get shackled and put on a boat by free will”, which was made clear in his original statement when he said; “it sounds like a choice ….it’s like we’re mentally enslaved”, but due to Groupthink, anyone who disagrees with the media’s lie about Kanye’s quote will also be ostracized, and media lynched for thinking outside of the group, which is causing a much greater divide.

The Choice Of A Slave: Mentally Or Physically

Harriet Tubman made a choice not to stay enslaved and to help free other slaves, Nat Turner made a choice to rebel, Martin Luther King Jr. made a choice to free his mind and millions of others, but do we ever talk about the choices the others made? The choices slaves made out of fear to not rebel, or to tell massa what rebel slaves were planning? The choice some Black folks made to stay home and not march, or rally when they were needed?

Millions of people make the choice to ignore racism, rape, abuse, right, wrong, cheating, lies, and more on a daily basis. Why aren’t they spoken about? What is the makeup of their choices? Are they mentally enslaved? Feared? Does it matter? Did they or did they not make a choice regardless of circumstance? The answer is…Yes. A hard pill to swallow, but a fact.

Chance The Rapper DOES NOT Support trump

During the trans Atlantic slave trade slaves made choices to listen, and many made choices not to listen. Those who made choices to not listen were often killed, whipped, beaten, and thrown overboard. Many would often escape and willingly plunge into the icy cold ocean because they believed in their choice, their God given right to choose.

If it wasn’t for the choices of hundreds of thousands of slaves that chose to listen to massa we would not be here. If it wasn’t for the hundreds of thousands of slaves that chose not to listen to massa, we still wouldn’t be here. Mistake not! If it wasn’t for choice, we would not be here. So I ask you, was Kanye wrong for stating his ideology about the power of choice? Is the ideology not true?

It is 2018 and mental slavery still plagues the Afrikan American community, and the phantom unifier that powers this plague, that powered slaves, rebels, and civil rights leaders… is choice.

“They cut out our tongues so we couldn’t communicate to each other. I will not allow my tongue to be cut…they hung the most powerful in order to force fear into the others….they can no longer stop our voice….the reason why I brought up the 400 years point is because we can’t be mentally imprisoned for another 400 years. We need free thought now. Even the statement was an example of free thought It was just an idea….’I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves’. – Harriet Tubman…most fear is learned” -Kanye West

Kanye West's Rant In TMZ Office (Extended Cut) | TMZ

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