
Kamala Harris For President 2020 & Why She Has Our Vote

January 21st Senator Kamala Harris announced she’s running for President of the United States (2020). Kamala, over the last few years, made her way into the public eye in politics and in 2018 during the Kavanaugh hearing, made palatable statements, and unifying stands that made her a shoe-in for the Democratic Presidential Nominee win.

India.Arie’s New Politically Driven Single “What If”

Even though Kamala was greeted with much excitement by many celebrities, fellow politicians, news publications, blogs, and citizens, not everyone believes Kamala is worthy of the Presidential nomination, let alone, office.

Kamala’s History

Kamala Harris was the district attorney of San Francisco from 2004-2010. Kamala is the first Woman and first Afrikan American to serve as Attorney General in California. Kamala is also only the second Afrikan American Woman to be elected to the U.S Senate.

Kamala has dedicated her life to the people helping to provide an equal living filled with less crime, and more checks and balances. So why do people believe she’s a fraud?

The People’s Concerns:

Kamala Harris, as Attorney General/District Attorney, made decisions that many citizens of California and other states do not agree with:

  • New Statewide Law that allows Prosecutors to charge Parents for their child’s chronic truancy. Which means if your child is not going to school, the Parents can be charged with misdemeanors.

Kamala’s strong stance was in response to the Truancy Crisis in California, which according to some California citizens, greatly effected poor families, and families of colour. Many felt her unaffordable $2000 fine and harsh punishment was a direct attack on Black and Brown families that could’ve better benefited from a different crisis strategy.

Kamala On Civil Rights & Fairness

Kamala showed outrage for migrant mothers who’d been separated from their children in trumps recent DACA catastrophe. Many wondered how Kamala could show outrage for this, but had no issue charging mothers/families with truancy misdemeanors causing separation, and financial issues for California families of colour.

  • Kamala Harris, did not pursue charges, even though she was urged to, against Steven Mnuchin, after prosecutors claimed Steven Mnuchin violated state foreclosure laws and thousands of other legal violations.
  • Steven eventually became president trump’s secretary of treasury and even donated $2000 to Kamala Harris’s Senate campaign.

Some have expressed deep concern for Kamala’s choice to not pursue charges, questioning her character and morality. Even though these issues aren’t new, or present, Kamala’s career will be reviewed and concerns on past choices must be explained.

More Concerns From The People:

  • One of Kamala Harris’s lawyers main point allegedly argued against allowing inmates to be released early due to over crowding because they would lose an important labor pool.
  • Harris believed adding body cameras to police was a great idea, but that local departments should have the right to choose if they want to or not.
  • Kamala did not seek justice for Alan Blueford after being murdered by policeman Miguel Masso.
  • Allegedly due to a late paperwork submission, Kamala tried to keep Daniel Larsen in prison, a man who served over 10 years in prison, who was found innocent.
  • Kamala expanded the civil asset forfeiture which allows prosecutors to seize assets before criminal proceedings.


Why Kamala Has Our Vote:

The aforementioned are all valid concerns from people who are longing for a quality politician of truth. Kamala Harris is just that. Even though her past choices are concerning, they are not choices that cause great pause or have presented life long damaging effects. It’s clear from most of these choices that Kamala put the people first, and while some may not’ve benefitted upfront due to the choices she made (or her camp), the intent of each choice presents itself as a worthy intent, not a seedy one.

Kamala Harris’s statewide law to charge parents for their child’s truancy was a strong approach to a crisis that needed a strong hand. When I was in college underage students would often ignore the law by drinking alcohol and of age students ignored campus policy by giving it to them, and passing out drunk on campus grounds. Because the fine for being caught was a low $100 it aided students in frivolous behavior. After years of abusing this, the President of the college made a stricter policy charging almost $1000 for underage drinking, and drinking in dry halls. Even though the students were upset and even called a campus meeting with the President, the harshness of the punishment rendered better results for the safety of the campus.

It was the fear of the fine, and the punishment that pushed students to follow the law, the rules, and the policies.

Let’s face it, wouldn’t you be less apathetic to breaking the rules if your fine was $1000 vs $100? Changing the fine on campus worked, and Kamala’s truancy law was created to force parents and children to do the right thing. That kind of strength and parenthood is what I expect from a leader who see’s a neighborhood in a crisis.

I do believe Kamala could’ve done a further investigation as to why children weren’t going to school to provide a balance of punishment and assistance for those who simply can’t make it to school for various reasons. A position I believe Kamala would’ve been open to, and is open to today.

Even though Kamala and her team did not pursue charges against Steven Mnuchin, and she accepted his $2000 donation during her Senate campaign, Kamala still voted against Steven’s confirmation as secretary of treasury. Kamala also stood by her decision to not pursue charges correcting what many thought was a sneaky gain, when it was actually an investigation that lead to nowhere;

“We went and we followed the facts and the evidence, and it’s a decision my office made….We pursued it just like any other case. We go and we take a case wherever the facts lead us….The hearings will reveal if it’s disqualifying or not (Mnuchin’s secretary of treasury hearings), but certainly he has a history that should be critically examined, as do all of the nominees…My role now in the Senate is to be very aggressive in reviewing the background and history of each of the nominees, and voting according to what the hearings and other due diligence will unveil about who they are and their suitability to hold these positions” – Kamala Harris 2017 via TheHill

The quote above is of ownership, leadership, truth, and integrity. Whether or not your agree with her/their choice, being on the outside looking in, a leader who owns their decision making, is a leader I can respect.

“Here’s the bottom line: I am trying to change the system from the inside… [Activists] are trying to change the system from the outside. And together, change will occur.” Kamala Harris, Sacramento Bee

None of Kamala’s “questionable” choices sparked any poor leadership, conspiracy, or two-faced positioning in site of her, which leads me to believe Kamala is for the people, she’s just a stricter, harsher ruler, which is rare in Women politicians, but loved in many male politicians who’ve ran this country since the beginning of time.

Kamala has our vote because she is progressive, she is diplomatic, she leads with a strong fist, and she owns her choices. Kamala is the President that will take us from trumps disaster into a new order to redefine justice, equality, and politics making sure she hears the people’s concerns to better Amerikkka.

Kamala’s Promises:

  • To Run A Campaign For The People NOT Focused Against trump
  • Stronger Public Schooling
  • Ending Overworking In Middle And Lower Class Where One Job Is Enough To Live
  • Full Universal Health Care
  • Lower College Tuition
  • Middle And Lower Class Tax Breaks Vs The 1%
  • Cleaner Air/Cleaner Water
  • Seek Truth & Speak Truth

Kamala promises to not take money from Political Action Committees (PAC) whose money can influence politicians. Even though Kamala’s Presidential promises are generalized, and things we often say we need/hear as a people, these promises provide a unified need that we can hold her accountable for. These promises are promises that benefit us all, who wouldn’t want these to come true? Kamala wants us to hold her accountable and that’s Presidential!

Kamala Harris’s Current Stance:

A point can be argued that all politicians say what you want to hear in order to gain your trust for the vote. If this is true, how then do we trust anyone? I say, we hold people accountable, we know their faults and their good qualities, and we make sure we get what we need from leaders who promise to us things we need to continue living the “amerikkkan” dream.

Kamala Harris For President!

© 2019 Tahir Register
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