
All Charges Dropped Jussie Smollett Maintains Innocence & Why I Believe Him

(Ashlee Rezin/Sun-Times/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)

Actor Jussie Smollett, once indicted on 16 felony counts, got all 16 counts dropped, March 26th, 2019, after being accused of falsely reporting a hate crime. Jussie Smollett was accused of hiring the Osundario brothers to attack him as apart of a publicity stunt in which Jussie would then call the police and report a hate crime. According to Jussie Smollett, the latter is false and has never been true.

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Jussie Smollett, since the beginning, has maintained his story and he has never publicly changed his story. Even though public opinion found “many stories” they weren’t coming from Jussie or his attorney’s. Jussie, after being cleared of all charges, maintained his innocence making this statement;

“…I’ve been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one. I would not be my mother’s son if I was capable of one drop of what I’ve been accused of. This has been an incredibly difficult time honestly one of the worst in my entire life, but I am a man of faith and I’m a man that has knowledge of my history and I wouldn’t bring my family, our lives or the movement through a fire like this, I just wouldn’t….” – Jussie Smollett [truncated]

Jussie maintains that he did not pay for the Osundario brothers to attack him, he maintains the people who attacked him were white men who spewed racial and gay slurs at him before attacking him. Jussie maintains there was a substance poured on him, bleach, during the attack, and that he had nothing to do with it. There was even a letter sent to FOX studios where Jussie was said to’ve staged a hate letter threatening his life, Jussie maintains that this is also false, and that he had nothing to do with it.

Considering this is the only story we’ve heard from Jussie and his Attorney’s, public opinion simply does not matter in this case. Public opinion says that Jussie is lying, that he staged this for publicity, and that he is, for lack of better words, cancelled.


Regardless of public opinion, which is strengthened by group think, human beings simply do not possess the intellectual power to magically know if a person, through story telling, is telling the truth or not. Many believe Jussie’s interview with Robins was a tell tale of lies, but is that because of the interview, or because they’ve been lead by false reports on Jussie and decided he was guilty before hearing his side?

FOX stood behind Jussie when false claims surfaced that Jussie was being kicked off of the hit TV show EMPIRE, in which FOX quickly denied such things and publicly stated they stand behind Jussie 100 percent. Even after “evidence” surfaced showing the Osundario brothers buying what appeared to be rope, and masks came to light, FOX, and Jussie maintained their story. The video showing the Osundario brothers also revealed a time stamp that was after the actual incident took place which called that “evidence” into question. (see below)

It was said Jussie Smollett paid the Afrikan brothers to attack him, and later was revealed the payments the Osundario brothers received were for training Jussie Smollett to become physically fit for his new project. While many believe that form of payment was a coverup the question still remains:

Why would a young, financially successful star of a hit tv show in it’s 5th season, musician touring the world, and living his dream randomly stage an attack?

Many speculate he wanted more fame, but his character traits, his family, friends, and even celebrities like Queen Latifah, and Gabourey Sidibe, all strongly go against that personality type. For all intents and purposes Jussie Smollett is a stand up Afrikan American Gay Man, an advocate for civil rights, and LGBTQ rights that would never in a million years pull a stunt like this… for fame.

While Fame is noted to be a drug, a stunt like this, even if actualized and believed, wouldn’t’ve brought Jussie “fame” per-say, it would’ve been a story, and it would’ve passed, so how then can we believe otherwise? How can you believe otherwise, when every piece of ACTUAL evidence supports that Jussie had nothing to do with this crime?

Who’s to say the Osundario brother’s weren’t trying to set Jussie up or the corrupt Chicago police who are currently under investigation for widespread excessive force and racial bias? While I am no conspiracy theorist, when it just doesn’t make sense, I tend to believe the innocent, until proven guilty, and thus far, Jussie has NOT been proven guilty, so, I believe Jussie.

© 2019 Tahir Register
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