Categories: Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith Does Not Deserve Your Cruelty!

Jada Pinkett Smith has been the subject of cruelty for the last few years, and she does not deserve it. Recently, while promoting her book; “Worthy“, a memoir to be released Oct.17th 2023, Jada made headlines once again, but this time revealing some shocking truths.

Apparently, Jada Pinkett and Will Smith, have been separated for 7 years! This means, during Will’s controversial slap to comedian Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars, Jada and Will were not together…as if it matters.

Truth is: Neither Jada nor Will did anything wrong, so why is everyone mad with Jada?

Via TheBLACKMedia IG 10.15.23

The fact is, we are a society conditioned by the patriarchy. Black Women, throughout history, have been heavily conditioned to pacify, make excuses for, defend, protect, feed, birth, bypass, overlook, and absolve, before self absolution, Men, but Black Men in particular.

With this understanding it’s no surprise society, particularly Black Men, but also, conditioned Black Women, are unnecessarily angry with Jada. Jada represents a rarity in the Black community, but also the public eye: a seemingly unbothered Black Woman with the upper-hand against Americas sweetheart, Will Smith, a Black Man.

To be clear, if the proverbial shoe was on the other foot, there would be no cruelty, no outrage, no story. In fact, somehow, someway, it would still be Jada’s fault because; “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman”. In 1962, Malcolm X spoke light to an issue that we are still dealing with today, unfortunately.

Black Women are held to an unimaginable standard. Ask yourself, if you had one choice, to be transformed into a Black Woman for the rest of your life, or die, what would you choose?

Black Women have to be beautiful, sexy, but not too sexy, a virgin, but sexually liberated, intelligent if only to cook, clean, and birth children, but not too intelligent or else you may “emasculate” a Man. Black Women have to accept abuse from abusive Black Men, not speak out and forgive them because they should have understanding for his trauma, put themselves below a Man because the “bible says so“, take care the of kids and stay home while Dad has a life outside of the home with basic duties of parenting, but not be upset by the incessant — I think you get it.

It’s impossible to be a Black Woman. Now add fame to that…

To make a long story longer, Jada Pinkett Smith did not hold up her end of the GroupThink bargain! How dare she have autonomy when a Black Man, with fame and money, buys her a house she didn’t want or ask for? How dare she continue a career she had since she was a teen after becoming a Step-Mother to a Black Man’s child, becoming his wife and birthing two more kids? How dare she, during an agreed split, do what Men have done historically, and have an entanglement with a young Black Man? How could she sit unbothered across from her disheveled Black husband and not pacify him, but boldly admit she had an entanglement while revealing her Husband had his own? How dare she honor a deceased best-friend that was dear to her while being married? How could she sit like a Queen while her separated-husband b*tch slaps a comedian on the world’s stage and say nothing about it? How dare she continue to exist while people make fun of her Husband due to her “actions“?

Yea, these are real questions, and people really lack intelligence and common sense.

Jada did nothing wrong! Jada’s undeserved cruelty is nothing more than practiced misogynoir helmed by incels and their female pickme-counterparts. Jada is a prime example of what many Black Men claim they want; “a down @ss b*tch”, who, for most of her career, as the Wife of a living film legend, kept it silent, kept their life private, and did everything Black Women always do! But even the strongest of Women eventually crack.

Jada says; “The fact that I have, in the last four years, contributed to the creation and perpetuation of falsehoods about myself, in which other untrue narratives were birthed, has surely aided in the misunderstandings that surround me. This fall, with deep humility and respect, I will take back my narrative.”

Jada’s IG Post – June 29th, 2023

For clarity, Jada Pinkett does not mention Tupac Shakur as much as social media brings it up for her. She mentioned Tupac an appropriate amount of times for a Married Woman, but definitely for a Separated Married Woman. Will Smith revealed in his memoir; “Will” that he was once jealous of Jada and Tupac’s close friendship. He also mentioned he realized how nonsensical that mindset was considering Jada chose him, and continued to choose him year after year of their marriage. There has never even been a mention of Tupac and Jada dating, in love, nor jeopardizing Will and Jada’s relationship during Tupacs living. The public has created this hyperbolic narrative that speaks to the aforementioned.

Jada and Will had no interest in revealing Jada’s entanglement with August Alsina. In fact, the entanglement was mentioned four years after it ended! Will and Jada revealed they were separated during the time, which we all now know did not actually end, which means not only did she not cheat (to our knowledge), Will Smith himself, as revealed on the table, had his own entanglement!

Lastly, Will Smith slapping Chris Rock for his unfunny, inappropriate joke about Jada’s balding head, was not Jada’s doing. Many have wrongfully analyzed the footage from that night as if Jada looked at Will angrily inspiring him to get up and slap Chris, but even if she did, it was Will’s actions that lead to the nights events, not Jada’s. Self-control is a thing guys. Again, Black Women will be blamed for a Black Man’s actions and we will pacify, offer excuses, and even forgive assault as long as we deem it honorable in the face of Black Manhood.

Now Jada is revealing the couple decided to keep up appearances and keep their life as private as they can. That is their right! And as a person who’s parents were still married over 10 years after their separation with several of those years being dedicated to separate rooms in the same house, hugs and kisses in public at family functions with hidden dysfunction at home, I know firsthand that relationships have their own set of rules.

Will and Jada owe us nothing! They do not owe us a perfect image, an imperfect image, a Black Love narrative or a scandal, and for all intents and purposes they did not offer that to us. What they offered us we will only respect when we ourselves get married and deal with long term partnership: making our own rules to benefit what we built. If anything they held up a mirror for us to see ourselves and ask; “why do we even care?“.

Jada is due an apology. And for some odd reason, not only do we assume Will is without fault here, but we have not held him to the fire as we did Jada about not having his Wife’s back for all this public scrutiny she’s getting, at large, because of him!

Jada and Will’s story is nothing more than a basic example of choosing to make the life they’ve built together…work. This is what it looks like to make it work. To figure it out like most couples do. Appearing together in public is not a lie per se, it’s just not exactly what we thought, and okay, maybe that’s not good, but did you die?

2 Hour Interview Jada Bares All

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