“…there’s nothing commendable about being a savage, that’s not who we are…”
Spike Lee educates the people on what it means to be a Human being with intelligence, and great spirit. He sits down for a candid conversation about Chicago, Gun Violence and of course “Chi-Raq” his new film that has caused a lot of people to react. Many people are upset about the title, upset about the cast members, upset about the topic of the film, and how it makes Chicago looks. Spike Lee says; “this film is about saving lives…” And I agree.
He even talks about the stupidity of people who haven’t even seen the movie but have critiques about it. When talking about Jennifer Hudson, who also starred in the film, he makes an excellent point. “Why would Jennifer Hudson, who’s mother, brother, and nephew was killed in Chicago, do a film that makes fun of Chicago”. Another great point Spike made was about the distractions the media and people (who I think are plants) that bring up the non-important shit, to distract you from the main message, which is STOP VIOLENCE!! Get into this education it’s good! STAY WOKE:
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