Kanye West’s Heartfelt Apology For Slavery Comment & Trump Support WATCH:

Kanye West recently apologized for his TMZ comment about slavery, that went viral and was taken out of context, on WGCI 107.5. In a heartfelt apology, and discussion about Don C, Kanye West teared up, but positively remained, Kanye West.

Kanye West NEVER Said Slavery Was A Choice

Kanye went viral after a clip from his TMZ interview hit the socialsphere where Kanye said; “you hear about slavery for 400 years, for 400 years?! That sounds like a choice, like you were there for 400 years and its all of ya’ll its like we’re mentally imprisoned…”. Unfortunately click bait blogs, money hungry journalist, and news publications out to paint Black people in the darkest light possible, misquoted Kanye and stated; “Kanye West Said Slavery Was A Choice”, which he did not.

Even though Kanye took to twitter, during the time, to help, what seemed like, the world, to better understand him, he never made a formal apology until now.

“…This is something about the fact that it hurt people’s feelings and the way that I presented that piece of information. I could present in a way more calm way, but I was ramped up. And I apologize. That happens sometimes when people are—I’m not blaming mental health, but I’m explaining mental health….
I don’t know if I properly apologized for how the slavery comment made people feel. I’m sorry for the one-two effect of the MAGA hat into the slave comment, and I’m sorry for people that felt let down by that moment. And I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to talk to you about the way I was thinking and what I was going through.” -KanyeWest

Kanye delivered a heartfelt apology and made sure he tried to heal the part that people found most damaging, how it made people feel. Kanye’s initial statement about slavery, while not the right time, did have worthiness attached to it, but many weren’t able to hear it, especially after Kanye’s public support of trump.

Not only did Kanye West apologize for how he made many feel about his slavery comment, he also finally answered the question Jimmy Kimmel asked him in yet another viral moment while on the show. Kimmel asked Kanye; “You so famously and so powerfully said ‘George Bush doesn’t care about black people.’ It makes me wonder, what makes you think that Donald Trump does?”, in which Kanye paused to think about how to answer, and paused too long as the show had to cut to commercial, and end. Kanye was left never answering the question, until now.

“I feel he cares about the way black people feel about him, and he would like for black people to like him like they did when he was cool in the rap songs and all this….He will do the things that are necessary to make that happen because he’s got an ego like all the rest of us, and he wants to be the greatest president, and he knows that he can’t be the greatest president without the acceptance of the black community. So it’s something he’s gonna work towards, but we’re gonna have to speak to him…” -KanyeWest

Kanye West, like most human beings, is not a monolith, we don’t always get it right, we are all three dimensional people, and we all deserve the right to express ourselves. Often times in this climate, if you disagree with someone’s point of view, you cancel them. Canceling someone because their stance, way of life, choices, and opinions are different then yours is called a dictatorship.

Trust me, we don’t want a social dictatorship.


© 2018 Tahir Register
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