Tyra Banks UpRiXing — A Social Therapy Exercise You Should Join!

Tyra Banks Via Twitter

Tyra Banks announced an UpriXing; a sort of social therapy exercise, or social challenge where fans can upload videos of themselves; “shouting out to a person that hurt them”. In true Tyra fashion, she uploaded her own video addressing, without naming, people and things that hurt her.


Often in therapy a therapist would ask you to write a letter, you do not plan to send, to a person who hurt you, or to yourself. Tyra is calling for an UpRiXing of the same thing!

Simply upload your video to social media and use the hashtag: #TheUpRiXing tagging Tyra and her latest company Model Land.

This is such a great idea because it allows us to see each others struggles, but also allows for self release. We should all join the challenge, let’s start an UpRiXing together!

Tyra Banks UpRiXing:

ModelLand and I invite you to join #TheUpriXing by posting a video of you shouting out to a person that hurt you. Whether the source of your pain comes from someone you’ve dated, a job or a parent, now’s the time to let it out like never before. Now’s the time to use the pain that they caused you as strength. Now’s the time to be heard and take your power back.
Keep it real and raw, but no need to say names. They know who they are. It won’t be easy. It will be uncomfortable. You may feel vulnerable, but just know that #TheUpRiXing has your back. Make sure to hashtag #TheUpriXing so that we see you. We will be reposting the most impactful videos on our feed, so don’t hold back! Stay tuned for the Official Launch of ModelLand coming Winter 2020.”